Tuesday, May 29, 2007


1. Active Packaging for Food Applications (1.29 mb)

2. Antioxidants in Human Health and Disease (1.90 mb)

3. Biological and Biotechnological Control of Insects and Pests (5.3 mb)

4. Biscuit, Cracker, and Cookie Recipes for the Food (0.88 mb)

5. Cereals Processing Technology (1.41 mb)

6. Detecting Pathogens in Food (3.00 mb)

7. Extrusion Cooking, Technology and Applications (7.21 mb)

8. Food Labelling (1.97 mb)

9. Food Preservation Techniques (5.93 mb)

10. Food Process Technology Principles & Practice 2nd Ed (4.55 mb)

11. Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables. Science, Technology and Market (7.35 mb)

12. Fruit and Vegetable Biotechnology (3.13 mb)

13. Fruit and Vegetable Processing (4.09 mb)

14. Functional Foods. Concept to Product (2.11 mb)

15. Halal Food Production (6.07 mb)

16. Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (7.51 mb)

17. Infant Formula (3.37 mb)

18. Managing Frozen Foods (5.56 mb)

19. Microbial Safety of Minimally Processed Foods (6.76 mb)

20. Novel Food Packaging Techniques (5.57 mb)

21. Phytochemical Functional Foods (1.89 mb)

22. Sensory Evaluation Techniques 3rd ed (7.78 mb)

23. Stability and Shelf-life of Food (3.42 mb)

24. Technologi of Biscuits,Crackers and Cookies (3.27 mb)

25. Vegetable, Fruit & Herb in Health Promotion. (3.53 mb)

26. Food, Consumer and the Food Industry (1.32 mb)

27. Analisis, Manajemen Dan Strategi Pemasaran Produk

28. Cara Memulai Usaha Sendiri (Teori Dan Studi Kasus)

29. Kecerdasan Finansial, Memilih & Mengelola Penghasilan

30. Kliping Informasi Bisnis Online Dan Peluangnya

31. Kliping Informasi Cara Promosi Website

32. Penyusunan Rencana Bisnis

33. Perencanaan Usaha

1 comment:

handout said...

Ebooknya mana..
kok ngak ada linknya,,

kalau butuh bahan bacaan,, kunjungi